Thursday, November 26, 2020


I lost no distance, in fact I think I gained a few yards. John on February 23, at 6: Would highly recommend this to someone looking to purchase a new driver. This is definitely a driver putting on your short list this spring. Especially those who are after club that is consistent and isn't stupidly large. When you first hold the club in your hands, you are likely to notice that the S9 - 1 F Driver is quite light in weight. The off center hits only suffler slightly in distance loss and the sound is great.
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LH King Cobra S9-1 10.5* Degree Driver Regular Flex Graphite Good 140068

Very high MOI and balanced face makes this one of the straighter drivers on the market today. Knig lost no distance, in fact I think I gained a few yards.

No looking back now. With my previous driver mizuno mp i was hitting a slight fade about ish, and occasionally have a wild drive degres where near the fairway but once i hit the cobra i hit it straight as an arrow and carryed it with a little draw.

I shopped around a lot.

This driver will be staying in my bag for awhile. I used to have a wicked slice. But from what we've seen, he was right to do so.

I started working out the draw etc and now my G15 is on Ebay after owning it 2 months… Cobra well done, Reply. And another good thing to say, is that you don't have to pay an enormous amount for this golf club just now. First time using Golfbidder and got to z9-1 service is brilliant!

Cobra S9-1 F-Model Driver Reviews

Give this stud a try, I believe you will love it!! S9-11 clubs with a draw bias can be kint tricky to hit sometimes, as it can be abit too easy to over-do it and get a full blown hook in the worst cases.

Had a Cobra SZ Better sound and feel than both of my old drivers and although distance was about the same maybe 5 yards longer the two things I noticed most was that my shot pattern is much better with the Cobra S and my degrree angle was much better giving me more carry yardage. At a glance TG Rating 3. The cobra was in superb condition and I eagerly took it to the range. Yanman on May 2, at 6: Just got the s9 with the Proforce V2 stiff shaft.

Cobra S F/speed Degree Driver Graphite Stiff Flex Good | eBay

My first three shots were rockets — long and straight — with a great trajectory. Also would like to say the club was much better than the 6 out of 10 rating it had, looked 8 or 9 to me and the delivery to Ireland was 3 days Certainly at first glance the S9 - 1 F is a very attractive golf club to look at, sporting some easy on the eye graphics, and a s-1, well designed club head.

Will Bailey on March 18, at However on the other side of things, it's a perfect club to play a nice consistent, powerful draw with. After playing golf for a number of years I have finally decided to buy my first driver! Lofts available are 9.

I am a bogey golfer because I cannot straighten out my slice out of the tee-box. Simon Harvey on December 1, at 1: Also this is combined with a lovely impact sound that's not too loud or hollow, it's probably almost the perfect noise at impact that you'd want in a Driver. I have been looking and hitting every driver you can think of to fimd the one that is for me. If you have tried the cobra S2, have compare the S9 1 to the S9 1?

This driver changed everything. Then you can follow this link to the Cobra Golf website.

I have a 7 handicap and the Cobra S Tour model is supreme in my opinion. I just ordered the kiing three wood and I have high expectations of it also. I am around a handicap.

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