Thursday, November 26, 2020


Face detection on, icon in the toolbar. Still, it's a highly attractive slimline package that feels very comfortable to use. It's ridiculously easy, with no need to sign up or open an account. But a quick look at the C gives the impression that it's gone back to basics with a straight-ahead candy bar style handset. The maximum discharge quantity of this article is 3 pieces per customer Please select a quantity The maximum discharge quantity of this article is 3 pieces per customer.
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Despite these niggles, picture quality in good light is really very good — sharp and with good colour tones, but there is a delay of a few seconds between pressing the shutter and the photo being taken, which is a problem for action shots. Disappointingly, the flash is of the LED photolight variety, rather than the proper Xenon version found on other Cyber-shot cameras. Comments 48 User reviews C Battery life was fairly good however and cajera got a good three days of moderate use out of it.

Looking at the back however, it's not immediately obvious that there even is a camera, since there's no lens in sight and no lens cover. It's a much sturdier form of protection than the usual strip of a lens cover and feels securely built.

The C camera viewfinder with touch controls. This is because the outer parts of the screen are taken up by the touch buttons, and the picture has to fit into a smaller area.

Sony Ericsson C - Full phone specifications

The maximum discharge quantity of this article is 25 pieces per customer Please select a quantity. The touch-sensitive controls are haptic-enabled, camerz vibration can also be turned off from the settings multi-tab menu.

BestPic mode in the settings menu Finally we get to the geo-tagging issue. And finally, as usual for Cyber-shots there is a lot of purple fringing - due to imperfection of the lens used. The C in the name, by the way, stands for camera and also Cyber-shot, which caera sense, replacing the old K for the Swedish 'kamera' and that's not surprisingly the focus of this phone.

Still, it's a highly attractive slimline package that feels very comfortable to use. A no-nonsense slimline candy bar handset with a great camera including slide system and touch screen menu. But the keys on the keypad aren't flat but are actually angled downwards slightly which feels a bit weird, especially if you're used to pressing on small keys with the tip of your thumbnail.

Highly attractive mobile phone The C makes a virtue of its rather plain appearance by being very easy to use and packing in loads of features without appearing to shout about them. Two shortcomings are worth pointing out with the user interface. Just joking, even if it's quite random at times, the one that's closest to the center of the c02 usually gets the focus. The focus mode however has an extra feature - Face detection.

Sony Ericsson C902 review

There's a Photo fix option which will automatically correct any glaring light balance issues. Of course, the C is also capable of capturing video, even if it's only limited to QVGA resolution at 30fps.

Or you can use the stereo Bluetooth variety. Cyber-touch Sony Ericsson C review. Face detection is now on the agenda, which means the camera will camerra and focus on a cxmera face in the frame, plus there's red eye reduction and an image stabiliser on board. But a quick camra at the C gives the impression that it's gone back to basics with a straight-ahead candy bar style handset.

The 5 megapixel autofocus shooter offers a good range of niceties as ccamera detection, image and video stabilizer, BestPic, auto-rotate, macro mode, camera images geo-tagging based on cell-IDPhoto Flash, etc. Saving all the images on the memory card afterwards takes about 15 seconds.

The first one is that closing the active lens cover results in loss of the latest settings, unless you have taken a photo with these values. It's got a great camera too though it's a shame its abilities are reduced by an inferior flash and a smaller screen than we'd have expected.

The trademark red-to-pink conversion that all recent Sony Ericsson cameraphones manifest is kept under control and we c92 well balanced reds and pinks have a look at the images below. The Add position setting in the camerw We were unable to test the official claims that the new Photo flash LED is able to provide 3 times more power that the regular LED.

Google Maps is also bundled so you can see where your pics have been taken on a map.

The camera has the latest user interface. Face detection on, icon in the cameea. For instance, the titchy key layout of the K and other handsets appears to have been abandoned in favour of a more conventional arrangement. The maximum discharge quantity of this article is 5 pieces per customer.

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